Facebook AI Agent Set Up Tutorial
Welcome and Thanks for taking action! Just follow the steps below to set up your Facebook Page automation set up! While there are 100s of tools to feed content to Facebook, the tool I am using provides the most flexible solution to not automate Facebook Pages, but almost anything else online! For now, follow the Set Up tutorial below, Create your Brand Info file & Target URL File in Google Docs, and Set up your Facebook Page Automation!
Step #1 – Create your Free Make.io Account by clicking the button below!
Step #2 – Download my .json File below!
Step #3 – Create your Brand info File
Just create a Google DOC and sum up all the information about your business / Facebook Page, tone and writing style, colors, target audience, url to logos etc. There is no need for a specific format, just make sure to clearly state what the url to your loge is to give an example! Keep in mind that it will be added to some of the prompts, so a lot of content will increase the cost! On the other hand will a detailed information help to create the best content for your audience and brand!
Make sure to share the file so that Make can access it!
Want to Automate the 5th highest traffic site in the world wide web with my free automation blueprint? Click Here to get started!
Step #4 – Create your Target URL File
Just create a Google sheet and collect all urls you want to send traffic to. Follow this structure:
# | Product/Article/Blogpost Title | Product Description | URL | Keywords | Board |
- Make sure to add a counting number in the first column! Begin with 0! If you want a perfect equal chance for all rows, copy and past the first row content into the last row too! This number is used to draw a row by random by multiplication (# x A Random Number Between 0 – 1)
- Add the title of your product, blog post, article, video, landing page etc.
- Give a detailed description about the target url / content! You can copy from the sales page, sum it up by AI etc. you can also add info about the promotional angle to use!
- Add your url here!
- Add some 2 – 3 word keywords, the automation will create long tail keywords based on one of them randomly (Not important for Facebook pages)
- Board is also not used in this automation!
Step #5 – Open AI & IdeoGram API
To use this automation for best results, you need a Open AI API key and an Ideogram API key (For Images – Open AI can be used too, but this one is cheaper and provides better results). For the Facebook Page automation, you can remove the image creation if you want, just make sure to change the Fb modul to Text Post and remove all ideogram placeholders in the automation!
Step #6 – Connect Your Accounts
Connect your Google DOC and Sheets Account, add a Ideogram connection (just the API key) and your open AI API Key! Choose the files you created in the DOC module and the second Google Sheets Module!
The first Sheet contains 10 post types, you can make a copy and change the content if you like here!
Step #7 – Save, Schedule and Test
Now Save your flow, click on the 15 minute text and choose how often the flow shall run. In the free Make Account, you can not use all options, but for this flow once a day is fine!
Click on the “Run now” button to give it a try! You should see the single steps getting triggered and doing their job hopefully! After the run finished, check your Facebook page for the results! You can adjust and change anything inside the flow if you like to, that’s the reason why I love Make.io!
Want to Automate the 5th highest traffic site in the world wide web with my free automation blueprint? Click Here to get started!